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Waiting for a convenient time.


Updated: Feb 7

Motherhood has thus far been a tremendous blessing to me and a very steep learning curve all at once. With the abundant amount of fulfilment it has brought me, I have also found that it has been an extremely effective tool in God’s hand to mold and shape my heart and character. One thing I have been learning, is that there’s no such thing as a convenient time. I have attempted to make plans and stick to them countless times just to find myself retreating at the very first sign of opposition.

We are the light in this world.

In my attempts to move forward in life, two distinct routes of action became clear. One. To wait for an opportune time to do even the most basic of tasks. This would look something like waiting for the baby to sleep before I do the longest to-do-list known to mankind. I believe self-preservation would be the highest-ranking reason behind this method to movement. It’s an attempt to avoid a racket or because of the dread of tumultuous circumstances. I would find myself being the queen of procrastination as I wait for that golden opportunity to present itself in order to get things done.

Two. Bulldozing through whichever circumstances we may have to face to do what must be done, trusting that we will survive and make it to the other side in one piece. I found the latter way to be the only way that yields any results and it has made me think of the way we share God’s word.

2 Timothy 4:2, 5 TLV

2 proclaim the Word! Be ready when it is convenient or inconvenient. Confront, rebuke, encourage—with complete patience and instruction.

This verse baffled me. I have always been someone who would be led by the way I would ‘feel’. I would say, ‘I don’t feel that it is appropriate to do or say this or that.’ Nobody wants to rock the boat, shake things up, cause a stirring or dare I say cause offense, right? Maybe it is because of a sense of ‘feeling kind of in control’. By not speaking up or differing from someone, I am trying to control the outcome, for speaking up would certainly yield an uncertain outcome... free from the grasp of my control. I could lose a friend, find myself in a really uncomfortable situation or find myself staring down the face of rejection. Maybe such feelings find their root in similar situations that I had faced in the past - something that has happened to me before and I fear facing it again.

But here we are taught to sow God’s word in season and out. Other translations plainly state - an opportune or inopportune time. Wow. We are never told to wait before telling people about Christ. We are however told not to fear, to be bold, to be courageous, to redeem the time. Why are we waiting, holding back, not sharing His love, His word? I do think that the answer is quite plainly related somewhat or quite a lot to the fact that we are being way too self-involved or selfish. We do not speak up because of fear. Fear of man, fear of rejection, fear of the uncontrollable outcome, fear that we may suffer loss. Fear.

Isaiah 51:7

Listen to Me, you who know justice, a people with My Torah in their heart: Do not fear the taunt of men, nor be dismayed at their insults.

The very ‘things’ we are afraid of losing, like love and acceptance, are ultimately ONLY found in Christ. And that is where our security should be found and grounded. We should be focused on what is to be gained. The lives of those who hang in the balance! By keeping quiet, others may never hear that they are accepted, that they are loved, that this world is not our home, that God is real and that He gave us the ultimate gift, that what they have been searching for all along is only to be found in Him. Who of us do not need a deliverer, a healer, a defender, a Father, someone that loves and cares so deeply about and for us?

2 Timothy 1:7, TLV

For God has not given us a spirit of timidity but of power and love and self-discipline.

Timidity: means lack of mental or moral strength, timidity (lacking courage, self-confidence, boldness or determination), reticence (inclination to be silent or uncommunicative in speech), cowardice (lack of courage or resolution) or shameful fear that is generated by weak, selfish character. The picture is one who is in a state of fear because of a lack of courage or moral strength.

We need COURAGE and we need to grow in our devoted LOVE for God and others. Such LOVE will outweigh the myriads of fears that keep us silent and blindly sees others suffering deeply without a ray of hope.

We are the LIGHT in this world and those captive to darkness need to hear the sound of hope, the sound of love, the sound of LIFE. They need to experience His touch. And we are it.


Conversations with God.

Lord, let Your priorities become my priorities. Clear my heart from the clutter that causes me to stumble, be distracted and steals the boldness you give me to share and keep on sharing the incredible wealth there is in knowing You. Forgive Me for holding back so many times, yielding to the fear of what others may think of me. Help me to stop considering myself. Help me to clearly see those that are searching, hungering and thirsting for the life that is only to be found in You. Make me a vessel for Your heart. Your Word, Your presence is my joy, help me to boldly share it!



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